The S.T.O.R.Y. Accelerator Boot Camp
From Vision to Victory—Your Launch Starts Here!
Service Description
The S.T.O.R.Y. Accelerator Boot Camp is the signature piece in our portfolio. This 2-1/2 day boot camp takes you from launch to implementation of your project, business or idea and builds a formula for winning customers. Ready to get in gear and launch or accelerate your idea – this boot camp is for you. This includes: - Lush, private location for 3 days and 2 nights including meals & lodging - 1 on 1 sessions with Dr. Thyonne and her Experts to personalize your story - 3-page starter website based on your plan - Personal branded image attracting ideal results - Financial profile testing to move you to your next financial level - Talent Dynamic profiling of your strengths and challenges - Body & Nutrition basics to get you moving in the right direction - Much Much more to accelerate your success